My work is featured in Brazilian digital magazine IdeaFixa. Go check it out at
My work is featured in Brazilian digital magazine IdeaFixa. Go check it out at
I’m taking part in an exhibition called Dead End Hero in the Kunstenlab in Deventer, together with Hans van der Ham, Harma Heikens, Pawel Jankowski, Paul Klemann, Jan van Nuenen, Boudewijn van der Poel, Ewoud van Rijn, Hidde van Schie en Wytse Sterk.
Hello everyone!
I just returned from holiday only to find out my site was offline and my mail couldn’t be opened.
It turned out my provider had a huge crash and somehow there were no proper backups made.
Luckily I had a backup done in march this year so the majority of the posts were saved. Expect the remainder of the posts to be restored by wednesday, thanks to my provider.
Sorry for the inconvenience!
UPDATE 20/08/09
All missing posts and links have been replaced. Only your comments for the last 32 posts have been lost. If you’re still missing something else please let me know.
This month I’m showing some of my typographic work in Puntspatie’s Plantage Etalage here in Amsterdam. So if you’re going to Artis look across the street for some funky lettering!
For some more information, there’s a pdf at Puntspatie’s site [in dutch only].
Original photo by Kjeld de Ruyter.
I’m participating in an exhibition called SPAME-MOI in France at the moment. Since the theme of this exhibition is spam I’m showing some works of my Spam Series. For more information check the SPAME-MOI site here.
I had to make my mind up about posting some of these images here, because it doesn’t really fit into the rest of the work on this site.
Last year I did a series of photo comics and cartoons around courses in the metal industry, for OOM. Untranslatable for non-dutch speakers I’m afraid.
photography: Jordi Huisman, actor: Bart Broekhuijsen, props and additional photo manipulation: Frank Hijlkema