Enkeling is het alias van Symen Veenstra. Hij is illustrator en werkt vanuit Haarlem. Zijn werk vond o.a. zijn weg naar kranten, tijdschriften, websites, jaarverslagen en folders. Hij maakte illustraties voor o.a. Actimel, Adobe, Blaadje, BNO, Bright, Cast Iron, COC, Custo Barcelona, Defiant.tv, Geldgids, Havana, ING, Vara’s Kassa, Kop of Munt, La Vie en Rose, Maandag, NRC Handelsbald, nrc.next, Noordkaap, OOM, het Parool, Seat, Shell, Sprout, T-mobile, TNT, en YouTube. Daarnaast maakt hij vrij werk. Een gedeelte van zijn typografisch werk heeft hij inmiddels geëxposeerd.
Enkeling is the AKA of Symen Veenstra. He is an illustrator who works in Haarlem. His work appears in papers, magazines, websites, annual reports and folders. He made illustrations for a diverse range of clients.

Still Reading Schopenhauer

It’s two thousand and eight and I’m still reading Arthur Schopenhauer, typography, typograhic illustration

607 typography | Thu 30 Oct 2008 17:54

Old Is The New New

old is the new new, typography, typograhic illustration

old is the new new, typography, typograhic illustration

605 typography | Thu 23 Oct 2008 17:13

Spam Exhibition in France

SPAME-MOI, typography, spam series, france, exhibition, La Motte-Servolex

I’m participating in an exhibition called SPAME-MOI in France at the moment. Since the theme of this exhibition is spam I’m showing some works of my Spam Series. For more information check the SPAME-MOI site here.

604 miscellaneous,Spam Series | Wed 22 Oct 2008 13:36

Never Is The New Now

Never Is The New Now, typography

603 typography | Fri 17 Oct 2008 17:39

Peeping Pim

Peeping Pim, drawing

602 drawings | Tue 14 Oct 2008 11:49

Father? Daughter?

father? daughter? steady sketchin” series Amsterdam

600 drawings | Mon 6 Oct 2008 11:35

I think I know where we’re heading…

I think I know where we’re heading…, typography

…but I don’t wanna go that way

599 typography | Wed 1 Oct 2008 10:39

all content on this site © Symen Veenstra 2005-2018.