Before and during the opening of my exhibition in the Guerilla Store with Ine Keitz and Suson Egbertsen. Photos by Roel and Margje Muusse and Armijn Woudman.
Afternoon of Wonders [day two, finished]
Based on a little advert I got in my mailbox, mixed with some keywords from the site of this religious organisation.
Weet jij het al? [2]
illustration for a folder for COC Haaglanden by Maartje Schuurmans Grafisch Ontwerpen.
Weet jij het al? [3]
illustration for a folder for COC Haaglanden by Maartje Schuurmans Grafisch Ontwerpen.
The Soul
Based upon a quote from David Byrne’s The New Sins.
It’s Gone Up
My first painting on canvas, I believe.