Enkeling is het alias van Symen Veenstra. Hij is illustrator en werkt vanuit Haarlem. Zijn werk vond o.a. zijn weg naar kranten, tijdschriften, websites, jaarverslagen en folders. Hij maakte illustraties voor o.a. Actimel, Adobe, Blaadje, BNO, Bright, Cast Iron, COC, Custo Barcelona, Defiant.tv, Geldgids, Havana, ING, Vara’s Kassa, Kop of Munt, La Vie en Rose, Maandag, NRC Handelsbald, nrc.next, Noordkaap, OOM, het Parool, Seat, Shell, Sprout, T-mobile, TNT, en YouTube. Daarnaast maakt hij vrij werk. Een gedeelte van zijn typografisch werk heeft hij inmiddels geëxposeerd.
Enkeling is the AKA of Symen Veenstra. He is an illustrator who works in Haarlem. His work appears in papers, magazines, websites, annual reports and folders. He made illustrations for a diverse range of clients.


Sleep, Ibis sleeping, illustration by Enkeling

580 drawings,typography | Mon 30 Jun 2008 13:12

Mr. Tal

Mr. Tal, typography

Click on the image to enlarge.

579 cover versions,typography | Fri 27 Jun 2008 17:32

It ain’t Over Yet

It ain’t Over Yet, illustration by Enkeling

I added something to the background and changed the colors subtly.

578 drawings,portraits | Thu 26 Jun 2008 00:33

It ain’t Over Yet [detail]

It ain’t Over Yet, illustration by Enkeling

577 drawings | Wed 25 Jun 2008 14:26

How Bad Does It Have To Get

How bad does it have to get in order for you to start doing something about it?, typography by Enkeling

576 typography | Tue 24 Jun 2008 12:26

Make Your Own Kind Of Music

Make Your Own Kind Of Music, typography by Enkeling

Based on a lyric from “Make Your Own Kind of Music” by “Mama” Cass Elliot.

575 cover versions,typography | Sat 21 Jun 2008 13:12

To Be A Bear

To Be A Bear, drawing by Enkeling

574 drawings | Thu 12 Jun 2008 14:21


self portrait of Enkeling 2008

572 drawings,portraits | Thu 5 Jun 2008 15:13

all content on this site © Symen Veenstra 2005-2018.