Enkeling is het alias van Symen Veenstra. Hij is illustrator en werkt vanuit Haarlem. Zijn werk vond o.a. zijn weg naar kranten, tijdschriften, websites, jaarverslagen en folders. Hij maakte illustraties voor o.a. Actimel, Adobe, Blaadje, BNO, Bright, Cast Iron, COC, Custo Barcelona, Defiant.tv, Geldgids, Havana, ING, Vara’s Kassa, Kop of Munt, La Vie en Rose, Maandag, NRC Handelsbald, nrc.next, Noordkaap, OOM, het Parool, Seat, Shell, Sprout, T-mobile, TNT, en YouTube. Daarnaast maakt hij vrij werk. Een gedeelte van zijn typografisch werk heeft hij inmiddels geëxposeerd.
Enkeling is the AKA of Symen Veenstra. He is an illustrator who works in Haarlem. His work appears in papers, magazines, websites, annual reports and folders. He made illustrations for a diverse range of clients.

Forget About Following Your Dreams

forget, about, following, dreams, investigate, good, pursue, advice, typografie, lettering handmade, colorful, Enkeling, 2013

I can’t remember where I found this quote. It isn’t mine, that’s for sure.

1903 cover versions,typography | Mon 23 Sep 2013 17:59

Going Nowhere Fast

self portrait, Symen Veenstra, Enkeling, 2007, Adobe, Creative Cloud, New Creative

This older self portrait is currently being used in the new Adobe Creative Cloud campaign “I am the new creative”!

Click here to see more.
[scroll down on page]

461 drawings,portraits | Fri 20 Sep 2013 10:00

Too Thin For Your Bass

my walls, too thin, bass, music, vibrations, sleep, drawing, typografie, Enkeling, 2013

1897 drawings,typography | Wed 11 Sep 2013 14:20

Silicium vs Thin Film Technology

VV+, silicium, dunne film technologie, thin film technology, solar energy, solar panels, illustration, Enkeling, 2013

Illustration for VV+ magazine about the rivalry between different solar technologies

1893 commissions,drawings,typography | Tue 3 Sep 2013 12:45

all content on this site © Symen Veenstra 2005-2018.